Flagg Township
American Alliance of Museums
American Association for State and Local History
Blue Star Museums
Illinois Association of Museums
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Taking Snapshots!
Click here for the form for your Business Snapshot.
If the museum didn't get a photo of your business in 2024, we'll see you in 2025!
Feel free to fill out a form at any time.
At the museum...
In the Cabinet of Curiosities...in the works...
Building Community
Ancestors & Roots
School's Out...Let's Play!
Take Photos!
Bridging the Divide
A Dickens of a Tale
Latest museum podcast can be found at this link
The links to all our podcasts can be found under the COLLECTIONS & EDUCATION tabs.
Check them out!
Welcome 2025!
Artifact of the Month
Rescued from recycling and not in good condition but an artifact none the less.
It was removed from the building shown below but the same clock?
Flagg Township Museum
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